Pricing and market data
Gain a deeper understanding of the derivatives market with our selection of datasets, covering multiple countries and exchanges.
Maximise efficiencies and reduce risk in your cleared and bilateral derivatives – pre-clearing and post trade.
Look to LSEG for global pricing and market data for the financial markets. You can choose from extensive futures data covering global exchanges, as well as exchange-traded options data covering multi-asset-traded products.
Complementary to this, LSEG provides clearing and post trade solutions in partnership with the market that include:
How we help
Enhance your risk management, maximise capital and operational efficiencies, and derive greater value from your derivatives reporting.
Gain a deeper understanding of the derivatives market with our selection of datasets, covering multiple countries and exchanges.
Streamline your trading workflow and execute exchange-traded derivatives across all asset classes using our execution management platforms.
Clear across multiple markets with confidence, stay compliant with your derivatives reporting obligations, and gain operational and capital efficiencies with our range of clearing and non-clearing post trade services.