Deals Data

Deals and League Tables

An overview of Deals and League Tables

Track deal flows, identify market trends, and gain insight into your competitive positioning with our deals data. Specify within any region, asset class, or industry vertical at flexible levels of granularity.

With 4.4 million transactions announced in 225 nations since the 1970s, access our market-leading database in investment banking transaction data for M&A and New Issues Deal coverage.

Leading media outlets worldwide publish our league table rankings of investment banks and law firms. Ensure data accuracy and completeness by leveraging global news and sourcing capabilities, along with our strong relationships with the deal-making community.

Key Facts 

  • Geographical coverage
  • History
    From 1970
  • Data format
    User Interface
  • Delivery mechanism
    Digital Files
  • Data frequency

Features & Benefits

What you get with Deals and League Tables

  • 20+ more years of history than the competition.
  • Fully integrated content sets with linkages within each of the Deals content sets and interoperability within our other data sets (Estimates, Fundamentals, Pricing, Ownership, etc).
  • Deals content is sourced through direct deal submissions from global banking and legal contributors coupled with extensive research performed by a global team of dedicated research analysts across a broad range of sources to attain the most robust information pertinent to a transaction.
  • Sources include regulatory filings, corporate statements, media, and pricing wires.

How it works

Accessing the dataset

This dataset can be used by the following products. Talk to us to learn more about different packages and offerings.

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