International Sources

Global economic datasets of history and forecasts allow comparisons across nations. Macro, micro, trade, industry, and alternative data are available for study.


How our International Sources can benefit you

Over 9 million time series in the Economics database are sourced from official international and regional agencies, research organizations, trade associations, and private company partners; each dataset covers up to 215 areas.

Economists and analysts can do comparisons of indicators across countries and analyze trends. Historical data and quantitative or qualitative projections are provided. Long-term and short-term forecasts are from our renown partners Oxford Economics, EIU, Consensus Economics, Fathom Financial Consulting, and official international agencies. Historical datasets from those agencies cover banking, balance of payments, direct and portfolio investment, debt, development indicators, financial indicators and soundness, and more.

Also available are alternative data in the form of world rankings of competitiveness, innovation, entrepreneurial population, corruption, governance, and more.

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