Benchmarks and Indices
Comprehensive and accurate coverage across asset classes, styles and strategies.
Through LSEG’s benchmarks and indices, customers can choose from a range from FTSE Russell and RBSL-administered benchmark services. FTSE Russell is a global provider of benchmarks and indices with industry-leading capabilities across asset classes, styles, and strategies. LSEG provides interest rate and FX benchmarks including WMR closing spot rate, CDOR and FTSE Term SONIA.
Investors can make better-informed investment decisions thanks to our focused support. Innovation, customer partnerships and a core set of universal principles guide our index design and management. And independent committees of leading market participants inform our transparent rules-based methodology.
Financial market participants across a complex ecosystem – including leading pension funds, asset managers, ETF providers and investment banks – use our products. They rely on our indices to benchmark their investment performance, measure and analyse global markets, manage risk and capture opportunity, and create world-class, index-based investment products.
What we offer
FTSE Russell Indices
Customers to look to us for our combined global and local perspectives and specialised expertise to build a complete picture of the investment landscape. Offering a globally trusted source of insight, we innovate with new research-led index models that provide the foundation for the investment products of the future.
Regulatory notices
EC Commitments (Data & Analytics)
In connection with the conditional clearance decision adopted by the European Commission on 13 January 2021 for LSEG’s acquisition of Refinitiv, LSEG has given certain commitments relating to LSEG venue data, FTSE Russell UK equity indices and WMR FX benchmarks (the D&A Commitments). If you would like to receive a copy of the D&A Commitments or to discuss any queries you may have in relation to the D&A Commitments, please contact DA-Commitments@lseg.com
The monitoring trustee appointed by LSEG to carry out the functions specified in the D&A Commitments is Alcis Advisers GmbH. To contact Alcis Advisers in relation to the D&A Commitments, please email David Cayet at david.cayet@alcis-advisers.com or Ulrich Puls at ulrich.puls@alcis-advisers.com.
Singapore Commitments (WM/R FX Benchmarks)
In connection with the conditional clearance decision adopted by the CCCS on 24 May 2021 for LSEG’s acquisition of Refinitiv, LSEG has given certain commitments relating to WMR FX benchmarks (the WMR FX Singapore Commitments) to the CCCS. If you would like to discuss any queries in relation to the Singapore Commitments, please contact DA-Commitments@lseg.com.
The monitoring trustee appointed by LSEG to carry out the functions specified in the WMR FX Singapore Commitments is Alcis Advisers GmbH. To contact Alcis Advisers in relation to the WMR FX Singapore Commitments, please email David Cayet at david.cayet@alcis-advisers.com or Ulrich Puls at ulrich.puls@alcis-advisers.com.