Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data


Our ESG scores are designed to transparently and objectively measure a company's relative ESG performance, commitment and effectiveness across 10 main themes, based on publicly available and auditable data.

Discontinuation of ESG scores and ratings available on our website to India based users

LSEG will no longer distribute ESG scores and ratings to its customers and users in India. As per the new regulatory regime adopted by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) for ESG (environmental, social and governance) rating providers, ESG rating providers are required to obtain a license to provide ESG scores and ratings to customers and users in India. LSEG will not be pursuing an application to obtain the aforesaid license at this time.

To this end, users in India will soon be unable to view ESG scores and ratings available on our website. Until then, please note that any ESG scores and ratings appearing on our website are not meant or suitable for India based users.

ICMA Code of Conduct for ESG Ratings and Data Products Providers

Following LSEG's endorsement of the Code of Conduct for ESG Ratings and Data Products Providers issued by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) and International Regulatory Strategy Group (IRSG), LSEG outlines how it complies with each Principle in a statement of compliance. The Code of Conduct, created by the ESG Data and Ratings Working Group, an industry working group formed by the Financial Conduct Authority, represents industry best practices for ESG data and ratings providers and aligns with IOSCO’s recommendations on ESG data and ratings. LSEG played a role in the development of the Code of Conduct as a Co-Chair of the working group.

Download LSEG’s Statement of Compliance with the Code of Conduct for ESG Ratings and Data Products Providers


Showcase your firm's ESG data

Our ESG Contributor Tool helps you verify and provide timely updates on your ESG initiatives to investors and other stakeholders. The tool helps you showcase a deep range of environmental, social and governance data from your firm. We pride ourselves in our auditable ESG data, investors can trust the data we provide due to the 'click to source' capabilities within Eikon. The tool allows you to:

  • Ensure the financial community has access to the timeliest ESG data on your company
  • Contribute your company ESG data for the latest fiscal year
  • Review and edit the historical ESG data that is already available for your company
  • Communicate more effectively with your stakeholders.

Scoring Methodology

A closer look at the framework

ESG scores from LSEG are designed to transparently and objectively measure a company's relative ESG performance, commitment and effectiveness across 10 main themes (emissions, environmental product innovation, human rights, shareholders, etc.) based on publicly-reported data.

LSEG ESG scores reflect the underlying ESG data framework and are a transparent, data-driven assessment of companies’ relative ESG performance and capacity, integrating and accounting for industry materiality and company size biases.

The LSEG ESG score measures the company’s ESG performance based on verifiable reported data in the public domain. It captures and calculates over 630 company-level ESG measures, of which a subset of 186 of the most comparable and material per industry power the overall company assessment and scoring process.

The underlying measures are based on considerations around comparability, impact, data availability and industry relevance that varies across each industry group.

These are grouped into 10 categories that form the three pillar scores and the final ESG score, which is a reflection of the company’s ESG performance, commitment and effectiveness based on publicly reported information.

The category scores are rolled up into three pillar scores – environmental, social and corporate governance. ESG pillar score is a relative sum of the category weights which vary per industry for the 'Environmental' and 'Social' categories. For 'Governance', the weights remain the same across all industries.

  • We have adopted a percentile rank scoring methodology to calculate the 10 category scores – being based on rank, these are not sensitive to outliers.

    This methodology considers three key factors:

    • How many companies are worse than the current one?
    • How many companies have the same value?
    • How many companies have a value at all?
  • To calculate the environmental and social category scores the LSEG Business Classification industry group is used as the benchmark, as these topics are more relevant and material to companies within the same industries.

    To calculate the governance categories, country of incorporation is used as the benchmark, as best governance practices are more consistent within countries.

  • To apply an objective, impartial and trusted assessment of the importance of each ESG theme to different industries, the LSEG ESG magnitude matrix was developed as a proprietary model and is applied at the category level. Importantly, the magnitude values are automatically and dynamically adjusted as ESG corporate disclosure evolves and matures.

    Details about the LSEG ESG materiality matrix can be found in the full ESG Scores methodology document.

Data Process

Collecting ESG data

Largest ESG content collection operations in the world

With over 700 content research analysts trained to collect ESG data, we have one of the largest ESG content collection operations in the world. With local language expertise and operating from different locations across the globe, we process numerous publicly available information sources with the aim of providing up-to-date, objective and comprehensive coverage. There are over 630 ESG measures, which our analysts process manually for each company within the ESG universe, with each measure undergoing a careful process to standardise the information and guarantee it is comparable across the entire range of companies.

Annual reports

Company websites

Stock exchange filings

NGO websites

CSR reports

News sources

Data refresh

The database is updated on a continuous basis – aligned with corporate reporting patterns – and data is refreshed on products every week, including the recalculation of the ESG Scores. Updates could include a brand-new company being added to the database, the latest fiscal year update or the inclusion of new controversy events. In most cases, reported ESG data is updated once a year in line with companies’ own ESG disclosure. We refresh data more frequently in exceptional cases, usually when there is a significant change in the reporting or corporate structure during the year. ESG news and controversies are updated on a continuous basis, as and when such events occur and get picked up by global media.

Data quality

Data quality is a key part of the collection process; that is why we use a combination of both algorithmic and human processes to make sure we achieve as close to 100% data quality as possible. Below is an overview of the various methods we use to achieve this goal.

1. Data entry/pre-product

  • Around 400 built-in error check logics in the collection tool for various data points
  • Error checks can be tailor-made for specific requirements

2. Post-production

  • Around 300 automated quality check screeners tun on ESG collection tool:
  • Relating to interrelated data points
  • Negative screening
  • Inconsistency or missing in quants and qualitative
  • Scaling
  • Variance within a year
  • Raw data and comments section
  • Sector-based checks (TRBC codes)
  • Validating completeness of the prior year

3. Independent audits

Sample audits on a daily basis:

  • Detailed audits
  • Critical data point checks
  • Product audits

Weekly reporting and root cause analysis:

  • Feedback sessions with the production teams

4. Management reviews

  • Monthly quality-deep dives
  • Heatmap analysis with top areas for concerns
  • Measures to address problematic topics and data points
  • New system validation checks and screeners are constantly created based on new learning, insights and feedback to continuously improve the data quality.

Global Coverage

Continuously expanding coverage

ESG data is maintained and ESG scores are calculated for more than 15,000 companies around the world.

Our coverage has evolved over time and is continuously expanding as we include more indices. We review the constituents of these indices on a quarterly basis, when additional companies are also included.

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