Data feeds
Real-Time – Direct
Every microsecond of latency makes a difference. Power your electronic and algo trading with our low-latency data feeds. These are optimised locally to exchange venues and provide normalised data output in a standardised data model, compatible with LSEG’s ecosystem of Real-Time applications.
Uncover the advantage of speed and choose our trusted, low-latency data
Experience LSEG Real-Time – Direct: powering your growth with low-latency market data since 2006. Discover how our service builds on the content experience of LSEG's real-time, full book and full-tick data for exchanges worldwide.
Real-Time – Direct is our low-latency market data feed handler offering robust technology and high performance. We offer a fully managed service for the direct feeds your business needs. Available as a deployed or hosted solution with single-tenant direct connect and multi-tenant distribution options to offer you flexibility. By leveraging secure and resilient LSEG-hosted infrastructure, customers can benefit from a low-latency market data source at a fraction of the total cost for dedicated exchange connectivity.
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What is a direct data feed?
Direct feeds are full tick, full depth, normalised market data feeds connected directly to an exchange and output to your application with no conflation. Direct feeds are optimised to provide market data output to your applications as fast as possible with minimal processing so you can get exchange data with the lowest possible latency.

How we help
Real-Time – Direct feeds deliver high quality, low-latency data
Real-Time – Direct feeds are trusted by dozens of firms globally and have been operational across major venues for over a decade. Our data fuels the success of millions of institutional and retail end users across the globe.
Real-Time – Direct delivers impressive latency performance with very low jitter for the available venues – 99.99% of the updates are as low as 20 microseconds ingress to egress. For ultra-low latency solutions, LSEG Real-Time – Ultra Direct gives you what you need.
Real-Time – Direct market logic and symbology are fully aligned with LSEG industry-standard market data, meaning you can connect data across the front, middle and back office.
Real-Time – Direct feeds are fully managed and come with a dedicated support team that proactively monitors the service 24x7x365. The feeds are available deployed at your site or colocation with the exchange, as well as a fully hosted and managed service with options for direct connect or managed distribution.
Features & benefits
How Real-Time – Direct gives you the edge
Real-Time Direct feeds are our fastest low-latency market data solution. Full tick and depth with zero conflation. Get the data you need without any delay.
Fully compatible with LSEG’s Real-Time Distribution System and latest APIs, and leverages the Normalised LSEG Instrument Code (RICs). Compatible with LSEG Real-Time data solutions such as Real-Time – Optimized and Tick History.
LSEG Real-Time – Direct data is enriched intraday in near-real-time, with corporate actions, derived fields, exchange corrections and other reference data – thanks to LSEG's worldwide content specialists.
A global market data support team offers real-time operations monitoring, service technical & content support, and ongoing change management. This team manages LSEG Real-Time – Direct feeds 24x7x365.
Simply bring a cross connect to our hosting locations or deploy our direct feeds in your existing market data infrastructure. We provide multiple hosted options to meet your integration requirements, offering flexibility to meet your requirements.
In action
How financial services firms use Real-Time – Direct feeds
Front-office customers across the world use Real-Time – Direct feeds to deliver value:
- Back-testing and pre-trade analytics – assess your algorithms and perform best execution analytics
- Price discovery – follow accurate price movements to ensure the best trades
- Automated and algorithmic trading – deploy trusted exchange data for today’s technology-based trading approaches
- Smart order routing – ensure you are transacting at the best venue, at the best price
- Direct market access (DMA) trading – use in DMA programs with data that connects across the enterprise
- FIX engine and clients – support FIX protocol messages and trading infrastructure
- OMS/EMS – discover LSEG’s growing number of partners

Our solutions
Find out more about related LSEG solutions
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