These are system-assigned, permanent identifiers created across a broad range of objects of information, such as people, organisations, instruments and geographies. Issued by LSEG.
Today’s data-driven use cases and tomorrow’s innovation with AI and machine learning often rely on symbology. Whether it’s RIC, ISIN, PermID, LEI, SEDOL or another identifier, we have you covered.
As the amount of data that your firm is using increases, so does the complexity. To get trades, analytics, risk management, compliance, and clearing and settlement done, you need to know that you are engaging with the right companies, financial instruments and more.
Symbology simplifies data complexity. It is the application of data-based identifiers that enable recognition of a security or a legal entity. There are a number of different identifiers that are deployed within the financial services industry for a range of different use cases.
How we help
We support a number of identifiers to enable you to deliver on your firm’s use cases, such as connecting data across the trade life cycle.
These are system-assigned, permanent identifiers created across a broad range of objects of information, such as people, organisations, instruments and geographies. Issued by LSEG.
The RIC is a market-level identifier for instruments and pricing sources issued by LSEG.
The Legal Entity Identifier is an alpha-numeric code that enables the unique identification of legal entities, based on ISO 17442. LSEG acting in a capacity as an LOU (Local Operating Unit) issues LEIs to legal entities using GLEIF requirements and the LEI Regulatory Oversight Committee (LEI ROC) agreed principles.
The Stock Exchange Daily Official List codes are issued at the country level for most asset classes, including equities, fixed income, funds, exchange traded products, indexes, structured products, warrants, certificates, exchange traded derivatives and digital assets in all jurisdictions and exchanges across the globe. In operation for over 40 years and currently provides information on over 22 million active securities. SEDOLs are allocated at a more granular level than ISIN codes. Issued by LSEG.
The International Securities Identification Number is assigned to uniquely identify instruments, based on ISO 6166 London Stock Exchange Plc is the sole issue for International Securities Identification Numbers (ISIN), Financial Instrument Short Name (FISN) and Classification of Financial Instruments (CFI) Codes for Great Britain, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man.
Features & Benefits
LSEG has decades of experience in all aspects of symbology, from creating symbology programmes to helping clients manage symbology data.
PermID is a truly ground-breaking application of symbology that is supported by a suite of tools while SEDOL issues identifiers for digital assets.
Unleash the power of identifiers to connect your firm’s data across the whole trade cycle, with Real-Time Data, Reference Data, Regulatory Data and more.
Read articles about how to apply symbology tools within your organisation to support your use cases and innovate.
Symbology can be applied to a wide range of business processes, including trade execution, trade processing, price validation, trade reconciliation and reporting.
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